Sunday, July 21, 2019

اردو قواعد

اردو قواعد

اردو زبان کے چند اہم مسائل جنہیں جاننا بہت ضروری ہیں۔

صرف و نحو :- اردو گرامر کو کہا جاتا ہے۔
قواعد :- اردو گرامر کے اصولوں کو کہتے ہیں۔
قواعد کے اقسام :- بس تین ہیں۔ 1) علم ہجّا 2) علم حرف اور 3) علم نحو۔
علم ہجّا :- حرفوں کے مطالعہ کیلئے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔
علم حرف :- لفظوں کے مطالعہ کیلئے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔
علم نحو :- جملوں کے مطالعہ کیلئے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔
  1. الف ممدودہ :- مدّ والا الف(آ) ہوتا ہے جوکھینچ کر پڑھا جاتا ہے۔ جیسے آم ، آلو وغیرہ
  2. الف مقصورہ :- 'ی' پر کھڑے الف کو کہتے ہے۔جہاں 'ی' کے بجائے الف 'ا' کی آواز پیدا ہوتی ہے۔ جیسے موسیٰ ، عیسیٰ ، لیلیٰ وغیرہ
  3. واؤ معروف :- ایسے واؤ کو کہتے ہے جہاں واؤ 'و' سے پہلے والے حرف پر پیش (ــُـ) ہو اور واؤ کو کھینچ کر پڑھا جاتا ہے۔جیسے زون ، اون وغیرہ۔
  4. واؤ مجہول :- ایسے واؤ کو کہتے ہے جہاں واؤ کو کھینچ کر نہیں پڑھا جاتا ہے چاہئیے اس سے پہلے والے حرف پر پیش ہی کیوں نہ ہو۔ جیسے سونا ، چور ، مور وغیرہ۔
  5. واؤ لین :- ایسے واؤ کو کہتے ہے جب اس سے پہلے والے حرف پر (ــَـ) زبر ہو ۔اور واؤ کی آواز چھوٹی ہوجاتی ہے۔ جیسے قول ، طور وغیرہ۔
  6. واؤ معدولہ :- یہ واؤ تو لکھا جاتا ہے مگر پڑھا نہیں جاتا ہے یہ اکثر ' خ' کے بعد آتا ہے۔ جیسے خوب ، خوش ، خودی وغیرہ۔
  7. یائے معروف :- اس ' ی ' کو کہتے ہے جس کی آواز کھینچ کر نکلتی ہے۔ جیسے تباہی ، لڑکی ، گیت وغیرہ۔
  8. یائے مجہول :- اس ' ی ' کی آ واز واضع ہوتی ہے اور زیادہ کھینچ کر نہیں نکلتی ہے۔جیسے دیکھا ، ریکھا ، بیٹا وغیرہ۔
  9. یائے لین :- جب ' ی ' سے پہلے والے حرف پر زبر (ــَـ) ہوتا ہے اور ' ی ' کی خود کی آواز بنسبت زبر سے کم نکلتی ہو ۔ جیسے فیصلہ ، کیلا وغیرہ۔
  10. یائے مخلوط :- وہ ' ی ' جو لکھنے میں تو آتی ہے لیکن اپنے سے پہلے حرف کے ساتھ تلفظ میں مل جاتی ہے اور اسکا اپنا تلفظ زیادہ نہیں ابھرتا۔ جیسے پیار ، تیار خیال وغیرہ۔
  11. نون ظاہرہ :- وہ نون ہے جس کی آواز صاف ظاہر ہوتی ہے۔جیسے پان ، پانی ، رانی وغیرہ۔
  12. نون فعنّہ :- اس نون کو کہتے ہے جس کی آواز صاف نہ نکلے بلکہ ناک میں ہی پڑھیں جائے ۔ جیسے بانس ، گاؤں ، وہاں وغیرہ۔
  13. نون غُنہ :- ا ، و ، ی کے بعد ہی استعمال ہوتا ہے۔
  14. ہائے ملفوظ :- وہ ' ہ ' ہے جس کی آواز پوری ظاہر ہو۔ جیسے جہاں ، وہاں ، ہمارا وغیرہ۔
  15. ہائے مخلوط :- وہ ' ہ ' ہے جس کی آواز کا تلفظ اس سے پہلے والے حرف سے مل کر نکلتا ہے۔ جیسے بھاگا ، دھاگا وغیرہ۔
  16. ہائے مختفی :- وہ ' ہ ' ہے جس کی آواز پوری طرح ' ہ' کی نہیں نکلتی ہے ۔ کبھی یہ زبر کی اور کبھی اپنی ہی آواز نکالتی ہے۔جیسے بہانہ ، افسانہ ، راجہ ، راستہ وغیرہ
  17. To be continued...

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

" Blood " A Red Fluid (Briefly Described)

Blood or خون or रथ

  • Blood is a red fluid running in our body to keep us live.
  • It is a connective tissue.
  • Quantity in a man = 6.8 litres
  • Quantity in a Woman = 6-6.3 litres
  • Constitutes = 6-8% of body weight
  • pH = 7.4
  1. Functions of Blood :
  • To supply oxygen to the various organs of the body.
  • To remove waste products of the body.
  • To supply food to the various organs of the body
  • To manufacture digestive juice.
  • It is divided into two categories : I) Blood Plasma and II) Blood Cells

2. Blood Cells :
  • They are originated in Red Bone Marrow.
  • They are of three types : i) RBC (Red Blood Corpuscle) , ii) WBC ( White Blood Corpuscle) and iii) Platelets.
3. RBC :
  • Also Called : Erythrocyte
  • Disc- Shaped
  • No Nucleus
  • Contains a pigment called Haemoglobin.
  • Haemoglobin makes a blood cell red coloured.
  • It also transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  • It's life = 120 days
  • Number of RBCs in a Normal body = 4.5-5 million/ cubic mm of blood.
4. WBC :
  • Also called = Leucocyte
  • Rounded
  • has a Nucleus.
  • Acts as the soldier of body's defence system.
  • Number of WBCs in a Normal body = 8000/ cubic mm of blood.
5. Platelets :
  • Also called Thrombocytes.
  • They are about 2,50,000/cubic mm of blood.
  • They help the blood to clot.
6. Blood Groupings :
  • Karl Landsteiner = Father of Blood Grouping.
  • He discovered A, B and O blood groups.
  • Another blood group AB discovered by Decastello and Sturle.
Blood Grp: Can donate to : Can get from
     A                      A , AB                A , O
     B                      B , AB                 B , O
    AB                       AB              A, B, AB , O
     O                A, B, AB, O                 O

7. RH Factor :
  • It is a blood antigen found in RBC.
  • It has two types : Rh+ and Rh-
  • Rh+ or Rh- depends upon the presence of Rh factor in RBC.
  • Rh+ person can receive blood from both Rh+ and Rh- persons.
  • Rh- person can only receive blood from Rh- persons.
  • Percentage of Rh+ persons in the world = 86 %
  • Percentage of Rh- persons in the world = 14 %
  • James Blundell founds the development bof Blood Transfusion Technique.
8. Blood Pressure :With every contraction and relaxation of the heart, there is a certain degree of pressure on the walls of the blood vessels.This is called Blood Pressure.

9. Sphermagnometer :-It is an instrument used to record Blood Pressure.

10. Some Causes of  High Blood Pressure : Kidney disease , internal poisoning and prolonged emotional stress.

Chemical Names of Some Compounds

Chemical Names of Some Compounds

#. Common  :-  Chemical Name
  1. Dry Ice :-  Solid Carbon dioxide  
  2. Slaked Lime :- Calcium Hydroxide
  3. Bleaching Powder :- Calcium Oxychloride
  4. Nausadar :- Ammonium Chloride
  5. Caustic Soda :- Sodium Hydroxide
  6. Rock Salt :- Sodium Chloride
  7. Caustic Potash :- Potassium Hydroxide
  8. Potash Alum :- Potassium Aluminium Sulphate
  9. Epsom :- Magnesium Sulphate
  10. Quick Lime :- Calcium Oxide
  11. Plaster of Paris :- Calcium Sulphate
  12. Gypsum :- Calcium Sulphate
  13. Green Vitriol :- Ferrous Sulphate
  14. Mohr's Salt :- Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate
  15. Blue Vitriol :- Copper Sulphate
  16. White Vitriol :- Zinc Sulphate
  17. Marsh Gas :- Methane
  18. Vinegar :- Acetic Acid
  19. Potash Ash :- Potassium Carbonate
  20. Baking Powder :- Sodium Bicarbonate
  21. Washing Soda :- Sodium Carbonate
  22. Magnesia :- Magnesium Oxide
  23. Chalk (Marble) :- Calcium Carbonate
  24. Lunar Caustic :- Silver Nitrate
  25. Laughing Gas :- Nitrous Oxide
  26. Chloroform :- Tricholoro Methane
  27. Alcohol :- Ethyl Alcohol
  28. Heavy Water :- Duterium Oxide
  29. Globar's Salt :- Sodium Sulphate
  30. T.N.T. :- Tri Nitrotoluene
  31. Sand :- Silicon Oxide

Monday, July 1, 2019

Climate of Jammu and Kashmir

Climate of Jammu and Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir is a subtropical region but the three regions of jammu and Kashmir viz, Jammu , Kashmir and Ladakh have different climatic conditions from each other.

The Kashmiris recognise six  different seasons in the year , which are :
  • Sonth (Spring) from 21st March to Middle of the May.
  • Grisham (Summer) from May to Middle of the July.
  • Wahrat (Rainy ) from July to Middle of the September.
  • Harud (Autumn) from September to November.
  • Wand (Winter ) from November to January.
  • Sheshur (Very Cool) from January to March.

1. In Jammu Region :- 
  • Climatic condition :- Different in different parts.
  • Hot Summers :- Southern plains and adjacent shivaliks.
  • High impact of Monsoon Rains :- Southern plains and adjacent Shivaliks.
  • Normal Cool Winters :- Southern plains and adjacent Shivaliks.
  • Climate Like Kashmir :- Mountainous tracts and Lee Ward slopes of Jammu division.
  • Seasonal Winds :- impact on the climate of Jammu division.
  • Winter Period :- Starts from 1st November upto 28-29th February.
  • Coldest Month :- January.
  • Mist and Fog :- January.
  • Template Cyclones :- Winter Season.
  • Westerly Winds (Originated from Mediterranean Sea) :- Cause Rainfall in Winter.
  • Average Winter Rainfall :- ( 13 cm).
  • Spring Period :- hasn't
  • Summer Period :- Starts from 1st March upto 30th June.
  • Max Temperature :- 38 °C
  • Hot Month :- June
  • "Loo" (hot dry winds) mostly blows in :- Summer Period.
  • Dust Storms Sometimes blow in :- Summer Period.
  • Average Rainfall in this period :- 11 cm.
  • Rainy Period :- Starts from middle of June upto October ending.
  • Arrival of Monsoon :- Rainy Period 
  • Average Rainfall :- 65 cm
2. In Kashmir Region :- 
  • Type of climate. Continental (The Himalayan Range, which covers the valley has modified its climate to a great extent. Thus, the valley possesses a sub-tropical to Artic type of climate having long winters and short summers.)
  • Winter Period :- (From December Upto February).
  • Coldest Season :- Winter Season
  • Coldest Month :- January
  • Chillai Kalan :- Coldest period of winter season starts from 21st December upto 31st January. Almost period of 40 days.
  • Minus Temperature :- In Chillai Kalan.
  • Min. Temperature :- ( - 15 °C)
  • Heavy Snowfall :- Almost in Whole Winter Period.
  • Average Snowfall :- 120 cm in Winter 
  • Such Type of climate of Kashmir mainly impacted by :- Westerly Disturbances originated from Mediterranean Sea.
  • Max Snowfall in :- whole Kashmir 
  • Sunshine in Winter :- Very Low.
  • Relative Humidity :- Almost 90%.
  • Spring Period (March-May) :- Temperature starts rising gradually and snow starts melting.
  • Day temperature rises :- 10 °C to 30 °C in this period.
  • Sunny days :- Nice for charming.
  • Summer Period (June upto September) :- 
  • Max Temperature :- 37-38 °C
  • Hot , Rainy and Humid :- period
  • Hottest Month :- July
  • Autumn Period ( September to November) :- 
  • Dry and Dusty :- This period.
  • Temperature :- Low
  • Rainfall :- Less
  • Average Temperature :- Between 20 °C to 30 °C.

3. In Ladakh Region :-
  • Climate : Very Cold and dry.
  • Winter Temperature :- Extremely Cold.
  • Max.Temp. in Summer :- (25 °C).
  • Min.Temp. in Winter :- Sometimes below (- 40 °C).
  • Coldest Temp. ever recorded :- (-48 °C) at Drass in January 1986.
  • Coldest Place :- Drass.
  • Average Rainfall :- 20 cm/year
  • Month of precipitation (most) :- January , March and August.
  • Snowfall Time :- Winter.
  • Atmosphere :- Rarified
  • Impact of Atmosphere :- Sunburns and Breathlessness.




Dated: 02-12-2017

Muwahhid standing near the gate of his school

Muwahhid receiving his first position award

Some snaps of the ceremony
Muwahhid with his form teacher and classmates

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Tehsils List of The Jammu and Kashmir

Complete list of Tehsils of The Jammu and Kashmir

I). KASHMIR DIVISION :- Includes 10 districts :-
  1. Anantnag :- has six(6) Tehsils :
  • Kukernag
  • Shangus
  • Anantnag
  • Pahalgam
  • Bijbehara
  • Dooru
2. Baramulla :- has eight(8) Tehsils :
  • Baramulla
  • Uri
  • Sopore
  • Tangmarg
  • Pattan
  • Boniyar
  • Kreeri
  • Rafiabad
3. Bandipora :- has three(3) Tehsils :
  • Bandipora
  • Gurez
  • Sonawari
4. Budgam :- has six(6) Tehsils :
  • Budgam
  • Beerwah
  • Khag
  • Chari Sharief
  • Chadoora
  • KhanSahib
5. Ganderbal :- has three(3) Tehsils :
  • Ganderbal
  • Lar
  • Kangan
6. Kulgam :- has two(2) Tehsils :
  • Kulgam
  • D.H.Pora
7. Kupwara :- has three(3) Tehsils :
  • Kupwara
  • Handwara
  • Karnah
8. Pulwama :- has four(4) Tehsils :
  • Pulwama
  • Tral
  • Pampore
  • Awantipora
9. Shopian :- has only one(1) Tehsil :
  • Shopian
10. Srinagar :- has two(2) Tehsils :
  • South Tehsil
  • North Tehsil
II). JAMMU DIVISION : Includes ten(10) districts also.
1. Doda :- has four(4) Tehsils :
  • Bhaderwah
  • Thathri
  • Doda
  • Gandoh
2. Jammu :- has four(4) Tehsils :
  • Jammu
  • R.S.Pura
  • Akhnoor
  • Bishnah
3. Kathua :- has five(5) Tehsils :
  • Kathua
  • Hiranagar
  • Billawar
  • Basoli
  • Bani
4. Kishtwar :- has four(4) Tehsils :
  • Kishtwar
  • Marwah
  • Paddar (Atholi)
  • Chatro
5. Poonch :- has four(4) Tehsils :
  • Haveli
  • Mandi
  • Mendhar
  • Surankote
6. Rajouri :- has seven(7) Tehsils :
  • Budhal
  • Kalakote
  • Nowshera
  • Rajouri
  • Sunderbani
  • Thanamandi
  • Darhal
7. Ramban :- has two(2) Tehsils :
  • Ramban
  • Banihal
8. Reasi :- has two(2) Tehsils :
  • Reasi
  • Mahore
9. Samba :- has two(2) Tehsils :
  • Samba
  • Vijaypur
10. Udhampur :- has four(4) Tehsils :
  • Chenani
  • Ramnagar
  • Majalta
  • Udhampur
III). LADAKH REGION :- Includes two(2) districts :
1. Leh :- has six(6) Tehsils
  • Nubra
  • Khalsi
  • Leh
  • Kharu
  • Durubk
  • Nyoma
2. Kargil :- has three(3) districts :
  • Kargil
  • Zanskar
  • Sankoo

Geographical Facts of The Jammu and Kashmir

Geographical Facts of The Jammu and Kashmir

  1. Location :- 32°.15' South latitude and  37°.05' North Latitude & 72°.35' west longitude and 83°.20' East longitude.
  2. Extent (Length) :- 640 km from North to South and 480 km from East to West.
  3. Area :- Total Area =222,236 
  4. Area Under POK :- 78,114
  5. Area Under China :- 37,555 + 5,180 sq. km (Aksai Chin)
  6. Area remained in IOK :- 106,567
  7. LOC (Line Of Control) (Area) :- 1001 km long (Jammu= 205 km , Kashmir = 460 km and Ladakh/Siachen = 336 km)
  8. Districts Under POK :- Dinner , Baltistan , Gilgit , Muzaffarabad , Kotil , Mirpur , Poonch and Bagh.
  9. Geographical Position :- Northern most part of India.
  10. Surrounding Areas :- East=Tibet ; Northern East = China ; North = Afghanistan ; West = Pakistan and South = India (States of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh)
  11. Altitude = 1000 ft to 28500 ft (305 meters to 9610 metres)
  12. Standard Time :- Indian Standard Time (5 hrs. 30 min. ahead of Greenwich Time).
  13. Administrative Regions :- Three (3) ; I) Jammu , II) Kashmir and III) Ladakh
  14. Physical Divisions :- Six (6) ; I) The Outer Plains , II) The Shivaliks , III) The Middle Himalayas , IV) The Valley of Kashmir , V) The Great Himalayas and VI) The Plateau of Ladakh.
  15. Outer Plains :- Alluvial Plains of Ravi,Tawi and Chenab Rivers.
  16. Shivaliks :- Small mountains of Jammu division .e g. Jammu City , Basoli , Ramkot , Sunderbani and Udhampur.
  17. Kandi :- Undulating slopes between Ravi and Chenab Rivers.
  18. Duns :- Longitudinal Valleys lying between Various Shivaliks hills. e.g. Basoli , Ramkot , Sunderbani and Udhampur.
  19. The Middle Himalayas :- Located between River Tawi in the East and Poonch in the West upto Muzaffarabad. e.g. Jammu-Srinagar National Highway. Vaishno Devi Cave on Trikuta Hills.
  20. The Karewas :- Wudars. e.g. Pampore
  21. The side Valley :- e.g. Sindh Valley , Daksum Valley , Liddar Valley etc.
  22. The Greater Himalayas :- Zanskar.e.g. Drass and Rangdom.
  23. Karakoram Range :- A mountain range. e.g. K2 (2nd highest peak in the world).
  24. Total Districts :- Twenty Two (22)
  25. Districts of Jammu :- Ten (10)
  26. Districts of Kashmir :- Ten (10)
  27. Districts of Ladakh :- Two (2)
  28. Jammu Division :- Includes Districts of Jammu (main) , Udhampur , Kathua , Doda , Rajouri , Poonch , Samba , Reasi , Ramban and Kishtwar.
  29. Jammu :- " City of Temples" ; 
  30. Kashmir Division :- Includes Districts of Srinagar , Anantnag , Baramulla , Budgam , Kupwara , Pulwama , Bandipura , Ganderbal , Kulgam and Shopian.
  31. Ladakh Division "Land of Lamas" :- Includes Districts of Leh and Kargil.

  32. ( To be continued...)

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Jammu And Kashmir (Facts and Figures)

Jammu And Kashmir

"If there is a paradise on the Earth, It is here, It is here, It is here." Said the Mughal King or Emperor of India "Jahangir".

  1. Current Status :- Three separate parts i) IOK (Indian Occupied Kashmir) , ii) POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) and iii) COK (China Occupied Kashmir).
  2. Total Area :- 222,236 only)
  3. No.of Districts :- 22
  4. Capitals : 2 ; a) Srinagar for Summer (May-October) and b) Jammu for Winter (November-April).
  5. No.of Villages (2007) :- 6,758
  6. No.of Towns (2001) :- 75
  7. Languages :- Urdu , Kashmiri , Dogri , Pahari , Ladakhi , Balti , Punjabi , Gujri and Dadri.
  8. Nature of State Legislature :- Bicameral
  9. Lok Sabha Constituencies :- 06
  10. Rajya Sabha Constituencies :- 87
  11. Total Members of Legislative Assembly :- 89 (Elected 87 , Nominated 2)
  12. Legislative Council Members :- 36
  13. State Animal :- Hangul
  14. State Bird :- Black Necked Crane
  15. State Tree :- China
  16. State Flower :- Lotus
  17. Climatic Division :- Six(6)
  18. Popular Climatic period :- Chillai Kalan (21st December - 31st Jan)
  19. Big Physical Division :- Three (3) ; I) Jammu , II) Kashmir and III) Ladakh
  20. Most Beautiful Division :- Kashmir
  21. Population (2011) :- 1,25,48,926
  22. Percent to total population of India (2011) :- 1.04 %
  23. No.of Males (2011) :- 66,65,561
  24. No.of Females (2011) :- 58,83,365
  25. Sex Ratio (Female : Male) (2011) :- 883 : 1000
  26. Decadal growth of Population (2010-11) :- 23.71 %
  27. Population Density (2011) :- 124 persons/
  28. Urban Population (2011) :- 27.21%
  29. Literacy Rate (2011) :- 68.74%
  30. Literacy Rate among males (2011) :- 78.26%
  31. Literacy Rate among females (2011) :- 58.01%
  32. Most Populous District :- Jammu (15,26,406)
  33. Most Densily Populous District :- Ganderbal (1151/km)
  34. Least Populous District :- Kargil (1,43,388)
  35. Least Densily Populous District :- Leh (3 /
  36. Most Literate District :- Jammu (83.98%)
  37. Least Literate District :- Ramban (56.90%)
  38. District with highest sex Ratio :- Kulgam and Shopian (951:1000)
  39. District with Lowest sex Ratio :- Leh (583 : 1000)
  40. Rural Population of the state :- 91,34,820 (72.79%)
  41. Urban Population of the state :- 34,14,106 (27.21%)
  42. Sex Ratio among Rural Population :- 899 : 1000
  43. Sex Ratio among Urban Population :- 840 : 1000
  44. Literacy Rate among Rural Population :- 64.97
  45. Literacy Rate among Urban Population :- 78.19 %
  46. Total road length :- 40,103 km
  47. No.of post offices :- 1690
  48. Number of Universities :- 8
  49. Net Area Irrigated :- 3,20,622 hectares
  50. Recorded Total Forrest Area (2009) :- 20,230
  51. Biggest Town :- Anantnag
  52. Biggest City :- Srinagar
  53. Biggest  Village :- Arnia (Population)
  54. Biggest District :- Leh (Area)
  55. Biggest Fresh water Lake :- Wular
  56. Biggest Salt Water Lake :- Pangong
  57. Biggest Mosque :- Jama Masjid Srinagar
  58. Biggest Temple :- Raghunath Mandir Complex Jammu
  59. Biggest Hydal Project :- Salal
  60. Biggest Golf Course :- Gulmarg
  61. Biggest Glacier :- Kolahoi
  62. Biggest Cascade :- Aharabal
  63. Longest Tunnel :- Jawahar Tunnel Banihal
  64. Longest River :- Sindh
  65. Longest Lake :- Pangong Leh
  67. Highest Town :- Leh (11,500 ft)
  68. Highest Airport :- Leh
  69. Highest peak :- Nanga Parbat
  70. Highest lake :- Pangong (Leh)
  71. Highest Pass :- Khardungla (14000)
  72. Highest Rainfall :- Ram Nagar
  73. Coldest Place :- Drass
  74. Deepest Lake :- Manasbal
  75. Oldest Fort :- Bahu Fort
  76. Oldest Hydel Project :- Mohra.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Different Branches of Science

Different Branches of Science

  1. Aeronautics :- Science of flight of airplanes.
  2. Astronomy :- Study of heavenly bodies
  3. Agronomy :- Science dealing with crop plants.
  4. Angiology :- Deals with the study of blood vascular system.
  5. Anthology :- Study of flowers
  6. Anthropology :- Study of apes and man.
  7. Apiculture :- Honey industry (Bee Keeping)
  8. Araneology :- Study of spiders.
  9. Batracology :- Study of frogs.
  10. Biochemistry :- Deals with the study of chemical reactions in relation to life activities.
  11. Biotechnology :- Deals with the use of microorganisms in commercial processes for producing fine chemicals such as drugs, Vaccines, hormones etc. on a large scale.
  12. Cardiology :- Study of heart
  13. Craniology :- Study of Skulls.
  14. Cryptography :- Study of secret writing.
  15. Cryogenics :- Study concerning with the application and Uses of very low temperature.
  16. Cytology :- Study of cells
  17. Dermatology :- Study of skin.
  18. Ecology :- The study of relationship between organisms and environment.
  19. Entomology :- Study of Insects.
  20. Etiology :- Study of cause of disease.
  21. Eugenics :- Study of improvement of human race by applying laws of heredity.It is related with future generations.
  22. Evolution :- Deals with the study of origin of new from old.
  23. Floriculture :- Study of flower yielding plants.
  24. Geology :- Study of condition and structure of the earth.
  25. Genetics :- Study of heredity and variations.
  26. Gerontology :- Study of growing old.
  27. Gynecology :- Study of female reproductive organs.
  28. Horticulture :- Study of garden cultivation.
  29. Hematology :- Study of blood.
  30. Hepatology :- Study of liver.
  31. Iconography :- Teaching by pictures and models.
  32. Immunology:- Science which deals with the study of resistance of organisms against infection.
  33. Jurisprudence :- Science of law.
  34. Kalology :- Study of human beauty.
  35. Lexicography :- Compiling of Dictionary.
  36. Mycology :- Study of fungi.
  37. Myology :- Study of Muscles.
  38. Nephrology :- Study of Kidneys
  39. Neurology :- Study of nervous system.
  40. Numismatic :- Study of coins and medals.
  41. Obstetrics :- Branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy.
  42. Oneirology :- Study of Dreams.
  43. Ophthalmology :- Study of eyes.
  44. Ornithology :- Study of Birds.
  45. Osteology :- Study of Bones.
  46. Palaeontology :- Study of fossils.
  47. Philately :- Stamp Collecting.
  48. Philology :- Study of Languages.
  49. Phonetics :- Concerning the sounds of a spoken language.
  50. Physiology :- Science dealing with functioning of organisms.
  51. Pedology :- Study of soils.
  52. Pathology :- Study of disease causing organisms.
  53. Physiography :- Natural Phenomenon
  54. Psychology :- Study of Algae.
  55. Pomology :- Study of fruits.
  56. Seismology :- Study of Earthquake.
  57. Sericulture :- Silk industry (culture of Silk moth and pupa).
  58. Telepathy :- Communication between two minds at a distance with the help of emotions thoughts and feelings.
  59. Taxonomy :- Study of classification of organisms.
  60. Virology :- Study of Virus.

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