Wednesday, June 12, 2019



بخش دے ساری خطائیں سن لے میری التجاء
مانگتا تجھ سے دعا  ہے اک  میرا دل ٹوٹا ہوا

میں سزا سے چھوٹ جاؤں یہ تو ممکن ہی نہیں
کون سا  ہیں  ایسا  گناہ  جو  نہ  ہو میں  نے کیا

ہر طرف مایوس ہوکر آگئے ہم تیرے حضور میں
اب تیرا در چھوڑ  کر جائے گا کہاں یہ بندہ تیرا

رشتے ناطے دوستی بیکار  ثابت  ہوئے یہاں
سب سے بڑھ کر آگر ہے مالک بس تیرا آسرا

کس میں ہے طاقت کرئے جو دور میری مشکلیں
نہیں بن سکتا کوئی  آدم زاد  کبھی مشکل کُشا

میری امیدیں تو غیر سے ہی وابستہ رہی خوامخواہ
ورنہ ہر نعمت مجھے  تیرے  ہی کرم  سے  ہوئی عطا

عرض اتنی سی ہے یا ربّ وہ گھڑیاں آسان ہوں
جب فرشتہ موت  کا ہوگا  میرے  سر  پر  کھڑا

ہے  نہیں  کوئی عمل  میرا جو دکھلاتا  تجھے
                                                  ساتھ میرے کچھ نہ ہوگا بس گناہوں کے سوا

اندھا بنا کر مجھے اُس  دن روزِ  محشر میں اٹھانا یا ربّ
کیونکہ منہ دکھاؤں میں کیسے جب سامنے ھوگا مصطُفٰے

ہے یہ خاکسار کی آخری خواہش  یوں موت ہوں 
کہ نام ہونٹوں پر ہو تیرا سر ہو سجدے میں میرا


پروردگارِ عالم

پروردگارِ عالم
پروردگارِ  عالم  تیرا  ہی ہے سہارا    تیرے سوا جہاں میں کوئی نہیں ہمارا
نوح  کا  سفینہ  تو نے طوفان  سے بچایا
دنیا  میں  تو  ہمیشہ  بندوں کے  کام  آیا
مانگی خلیل نے جب تجھ سے دعا خدایا
آتش  کو  تو  نے  فوراً  اک  گلستان  بنایا
مولیٰ  تیرے  کرم  کا   کوئی  نہیں  کنارہ
پروردگارِ  عالم  تیرا  ہی ہے سہارا    تیرے سوا جہاں میں کوئی نہیں ہمارا
یونس کو تو نے مچھلی کے پیٹ سے نکالا
تو نے  ہی مشکلوں میں ایوب کو سنبھالا
الیاس  پر   کرم   کا   تو   نے   کیا   اجالا
ہر  التجاء  نے  تیری رحمت  کو ہیں ابھارا
تو  نے  صدا  الٰہی  بگڑی  کو  ہیں  سنوارا
پروردگارِ  عالم  تیرا  ہی ہے سہارا    تیرے سوا جہاں میں کوئی نہیں ہمارا
یوسف کو  تو  نے  مولا دی قید  سے رہائی
یعقوب  کو   دوبارہ   شکلِ   پِسر   دکھائی
بہتی  ہوئی ندی میں موسیٰ کی  راہ بنائی
تو نے صلیب پر بھی عیسیٰ کی جان بچائی
محمد کی حیاتِ طیبہ سے مٹائی ہر گمراہی
بدولت رحمتِ قرآن ہر اشیاء کی جان بچائی
اللّٰہ!  تیری   رحمت  کا  نہیں   ہیں   شمارہ
پروردگارِ  عالم  تیرا  ہی ہے سہارا    تیرے سوا جہاں میں کوئی نہیں ہمارا

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Islamic Quiz Contest

The Islamic Quiz Contest

  1. Which sura starts without " Bismillah......"?   Sura-e-Tauba.
  2. Through which angel was the Qur'an revealed?   Jibraeel (A.S.).
  3. In which sura of the Qur'an do you find maximum Instructions?   Sura-e-Baqra
  4. What is the name of the holy book, which is read most in all over the world?   Holy Qur'an.
  5. Which is the smallest Sura in Qur'an Majeed?   Sura-e-Kausar.
  6. Who is the last Messenger of Allah?   Muhammad (S.A.W.)
  7. What is the job of Izraeel (A.S.)?   Get soul
  8. On whose order was the Qur'an compiled completely in written form?   Abu Bakar Siddiq (R.Anhu)
  9. How long did prpt.Muhammad (S.A.W.) receive the revelation of the Qur'an in Madina?   10 yrs.
  10. Which angel's responsibility is to fall rain on Earth?   Meekaeel (A.S.)
  11. Who feed to "Prpt. Muhammad (S.A.W.) ?   Dayee Halima (R.Anha).
  12. Which Prophet called the "Head of the Prophets"?   Muhammad (S.A.W.)
  13. How many Suras (Chapters) are there in Qur'an Majeed?   114
  14. Which sura called "The Opening"?   Sura-e-Fatiha.
  15. What is the meaning of Qur'an?   That which is read.
  16. How many Khalifahs does Islam has?   4
  17. What is the reason for giving Azaan?   To collect Muslims for Salaat (Namaz)
  18. Who was considered the leader of Munafiqain?   Abdullah Obui
  19. Which sura of the Qur'an is to be read compulsorily in each rakaat of the Salaat (Namaz)?   Sura-e-Fatiha.
  20. Which Messenger has received the title of  "Kaleem-ul-lah" from Allah?   Prophet Moosa (A.S.)
  21. How many Rukus (Paragraph) are there in the Qur'an?   540
  22. Who was the father of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) ?   Abdullah
  23. How many times has the name "Muhammad" of Rasool-ul-lah (S.A.W.) in the Qur'an?   4
  24. At the time of " Nabuwat" what was the age of  Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)?   40
  25. How many times has the Qur'an stressed about Salaat (Namaz)?   700       

  26. In which Hijri were the vowel inserted in the Qur'an?   43 Hijri
  27. Which is the longest Sura or Chapter in the Qur'an?   Sura-e-Baqara.
  28. What was the age of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)?   63 yrs.
  29. Who is the First "Hafiz" of the Qur'an?   Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
  30. How many Ayaats (Verses) in the Qur'an?   6236
  31. Where in the Qur'an has prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) been named "Ahmad" ?   Sura-e-Saff
  32. Which book of Allah was revealed on Prophet Moosa (A.S.)?   Torah
  33. If we'll lose any farz Namaz , which Namaz we should pray?   Qazaa
  34. How many times is the word "Allah" repeated in the Qur'an?   2698
  35. Who is the second last Messenger of "Allah" ?   Prophet Isa or Christ (A.S.)
  36. Which was the first "Qibla" of Muslims?   Masjid-e-Aqsa or Baitul Muqaddas.
  37. How many times in the Qur'an, is the Muhammad (pbuh) addressed as " Yaa aiyu han nabi" ?   11 times
  38. Name the prophet whose name is mentioned and discussed most in the Qur'an?   Prophet Moosa (A.S.)
  39. Which is the first "Wahi" or revealed Ayaats of Holy Qur'an?   Iqra Bismi Rabbika lazzi Khalaq.....
  40. In which Sura or Chapter of the Qur'an the sentence " Bismillah..." is repeated twice?   Sura-e-Naml
  41. Who is the first messenger of Allah?   Prophet Adam (A.S.)
  42. After Qur'an, which books we should follow?   Authentic Hadith books
  43. Out of these, which title did prophet Nooh or Noah (A.S.) had received from Allah?   Najee
  44. Which Messenger has received the title of Khaleel-ul-lah (friend) from Allah?   Prophet Ibrahim or Abraham (A.S.)
  45. Who is called "Ummahat-ul-Momineen" (Mothers of Momineen)?   Wives of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
  46. Which Sura called "Heart" of the Qur'an?   Sura-e-Yaseen
  47. Who was the first person who gave Azaan?   Bilal (R.Anhu)
  48. How many pillars does Islam has?   5
  49. In Youngesters, who accepted the Islam first?   Ali (R.Anhu)
  50. Who is called " The sword of Allah"?   Khalid bin Waleed (R.Anhu).

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Computer (Definitions)

Computer (Imp Terms)

  • What is a Computer :- The word " Computer" actually comes from the word "Compute" which means to calculate So, the word "Computer" means a calculating device or machine.With the help of this machine all Arithmetic operations are easily and accurately solved within no time.
  • Computer is an electronic device, which can perform several tasks simultaneously. Or It is an electronic machine , developed by man to reduce work load. Or It is an electronic machine which accepts raw data or inputs then processing on the them and displays the required outputs or information.

  • Who invented the Computer :- It was invented by "Charles Babbage" in 1833. But it's name was first Analytical Engine at that time later became it a computer.
  • What is an Abacus :- An Abacus is the first well known calculating device developed by chinese for quick calculations. It is used for counting numbers for calculation.
  • What is the Binary Number System :- Computers use the Binary Number System for storing numbers.There are only two digits "0" and "1" in this System. The base or radix of this system is "2" two.
  • Binary Number System :- '0' and '1'  (Only Two(2) digits) ; Base = 2  ; e.g. 1101 , 1111, 1001 etc.
  • Decimal Number System :- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9  (Only Ten(10) digits)  ; Base = 10   ;     e.g. 123, 451, 100, 136 etc 
  •  i) 236 = 2x 10^² + 3x 10^¹ + 6x10^0 =236.
  • Hexadecimal Number System :- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F (Only Sixteen (16) digits)  ;  Base = 16 ;  e.g. 12B, 10A, 13E, 9F etc.
  • Octal Number System :-  0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (Only Eight(8) digits)  ;  Base= 8
I) Convert Binary Number "1101" into a Decimal Number:
1x2^³ + 1x2^² + 0x2^¹ + 1x2^0
= 8 + 4 + 0 + 1
= 13

II) Convert Decimal Number "13" into a Binary Number:
1x 10^¹ + 3x 10^0
= 10 + 3 x 1
= 13

=>  13/2 = 6 rem 1
=>    6/2 = 3 rem 0
=>    3/2 = 1 rem 1
=>     2 cannot divide 1 properly
=>    Here we get remainders "1101" and it is of form Binary Number.

III) Convert Binary Number "1101" into a Hexadecimal Number:
=>   1101 (0001 0001 0000 0001) (Binary
=>   1x 2^³ + 1x 2^² + 0x 2^¹ + 1x 2^0
=>    8 + 4 + 1   = 13  (Decimal Number)
=>    13 (0001 0011) = C  (Hexadecimal)
  • What is a CD :- A CD (Compact Disc) is a plastic disc used for storing information. It is a popular moveable media of the computer that has a capability of storing all the records.
  • What is a CPU :- A CPU is a Central Processing Unit commonly known as CPU. It is the brain of a Computer. It performs the basic Arithmetic and Logic functions and controls the overall functioning of the System.CPU consists of two parts namely, Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit (CU).It is a metallic box that does all the work, all the thinking , all the processing of the Computer.
  • What is an ALU :- ALU stands for Arithmetic and Logic Unit, takes care of all the mathematical and logical functions done by the computer.
  • Logical functions = Comparisons   e.g.  4 < 7 = true ; 7< 4 = False etc
  • Arithmetic operations = +,-,÷,x        e.g. 4+6 =10 ; 6-3 = 3 ; 3x8 = 24 ; 10÷2 =5

  •    (To be continued)


Monday, June 3, 2019

Calculas (A branch of Maths)

Calculas (a branch of Maths)

     It is a mathematics of change. Calculas was invented in the 17th century by Isaac Newton of U.K. and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz of Germany. Newton applied the calculas to formulate his laws of motion and gravitation.

1)  Limits :
      lim x—>a  f(x)    ( Where x—>a " x tends to "a")
      Difference "D" :
       (x—>a) : Means that (x) gets nearer and nearer to (D).
       (x=0) : Means that (x) takes the value (D).

E.g. lim x–>2   x²- 4/ (x-2)
    = lim x–>2  (x+2)(x-2)/(x-2)
    = lim x–>2  (x+2)     (bcuz (x-2) is concelled )
    = 2+2 = 4

2) Properties of limits :
     Let (f) and (g) be two functions of x then,

  • For any constant C

      lim x–>a  C  =  C

  • lim x–>a [f(x)+g(x)] = lim x–>a  f(x) + lim x–>a  g(x)
  • lim x–>a [f(x)- g(x)] = lim x–>a  f(x) - lim x–>a  g(x)
  • lim x–>a [k f(x)] = k lim x–>a f(x)  where "k" is any Real Number.
  • lim x–>a [f(x).g(x)] = [lim x–>a f(x)][lim x–>a g(x)]
  • lim x–>a [f(x)/g(x)] = [lim x–>a f(x)]/ [lim x–>a g(x)]     Provided lim x–>a  g(x) ≠ 0

Friday, May 31, 2019

Roman Numerals

Roman Numerals

*) Table :

     Romans : Counting No.   :  Number Name
  1. I       :       1           :    One
  2. II      :      2            :    Two
  3. III    :       3            :   Three
  4. IV    :       4            :    Four
  5. V      :       5            :    Five
  6. VI    :       6            :     Six
  7. VII   :       7            :    Seven
  8. VIII :       8            :     Eight
  9. IX    :       9            :     Nine
  10. X      :     10            :     Ten
  11. XXX :    30            :     Thirty
  12. XL    :    40            :      Forty
  13. L      :     50            :      Fifty
  14. XC   :      90           :      Ninety
  15. C      :    100           :      Hundred
  16. D     :     500          :       Five Hundred
  17. M     :   1000         :       Thousand
1. "C" (Centum) ---> Hundred
2. "M" (Mille)     ---> Thousand
3. A bar on a Roman Numeral means multiplying that Number by 1000.
4.  If large numbers come before the smaller ones , they are added.
     E.g. VI = 5 + 1 = 6 (bcuz V = 5 ; I =1)
             LX = 50 + 10 = 60
5.  If smaller numbers come before the larger ones, they are subtracted.
      E.g.  IV = V - I = 5 - 1 = 4 
              XL = L - X = 50 - 10 = 40
6.  No digit is repeated more than thrice.
      E.g. CXXXX =140 (x) ; CXL =140 (✓)
7.  "V " , "L" and "D" (all these Numerals are starting will 5) are never subtracted.
8. "I" can be subtracted from "V" and "X" , once only .
9. "X" can be subtracted from "L" and "C" , once only.
10. "C" can be subtracted from "D" and "M", once only.

Thursday, May 30, 2019



  1. The Metric Measures (System) :
     i) The standard unit of Length is a metre (m). e.g. 10m , 100m , 500m etc

    ii) The standard unit of Weight is a gram (g). e.g. 10g , 100g , 500g etc

    iii) The standard unit of Capacity is a litre (l). e.g. 10l , 100l , 500l etc
     This system is based on the decimal system. The sub units (smaller than the standard units) are the 10ths , 100ths and 1000ths of the standard unit. The bigger units are the 10s , 100s and 1000s of the basic unit.

    Kilo , meaning 1000         : Super Units
    Hecto , meaning 100        : Super Units
    Deca , meaning 10            : Super Units
    Deci , meaning 1/10 or .1 : Sub Units
    Centi , meaning 1/100      : Sub Units
    Milli , meaning 1/1000     : Sub Units

  1. 1000 = kilo metre , kilo gram , kilo litre
  2. 100 = hecto metre , hecto gram , hecto litre
  3. 10 = deca metre , deca gram , deca litre
  4. 0 (Unit) =  metre , gram , litre
  5. 10th = deci metre , deci gram , deci litre
  6. 100th = centimetre , centigram , centilitre
  7. 1000th = millimetre , milligram , millilitre

*) Important Relationship :

1) Length Measures :
  • 1 kilo metre (km) = 1000 metres (m)
  • 1 hecto metre (hm) = 100 metres (m)
  • 1 deca metre (dem) = 10 metres (m)
  • 1 metre (m) = 100 centimeters (cm)
  • 1 deci metre (dm) = 1/10 metres (m)
  • 1 centi metre (cm) = 1/100 metres (m)
  • 1 milli metre(mm)= 1/1000 metres (m)
  • 1 inch = 25.4 millimeters (mm)
  • 1 foot = 30.48 centimeters (cm)
  • 1 yard = 0.9144 metre (m)
  • 1 mile = 1.6093 kilometers (km)
  • 1 millimetre = 1.094 yards
  • 1 kilometer = 0.62137 mile
  • 1 sq inch = 6.4516 sq centimeters
  • 1 sq yard = 0.8361 sq metres
  • 1 sq mile = 2.589 sq kilometers
  • 1 acre = 4047 sq metres
  • 1 sq centimetre = 0.155 sq inch
  • 1 hectare = 10,000 sq metres
  • 1 hectare = 2.471 acres
2) Capacity Measures :
  • 1 kilo litre (kl) = 1000 litres (l)
  • 1 hecto litre (hl) = 100 litres (l)
  • 1 deca litre (dal) = 10 litres (l)
  • 1 litre (l) = 100 centi litres (cl)
  • 1 deci litre (dl) = 1/10 litres (l)
  • 1 centi litre (cl) = 1/100 litres (l)
  • 1 milli litre (ml) = 1/1000 litres (l)
  • 1 inch³ = 16.387 centimeters³ 
  • 1 pint = 0.568 litre
  • 1 imperial gallon = 4.546 litres
  • 1 litre = 1.76 pints
  • 1 litre = 0.220 imperial gallon
3) Weight Measures :
  • 1 kilo gram (kg) = 1000 grams (g)
  • 1 hecto gram (hg) = 100 grams (g)
  • 1 deca gram (dag) = 10 grams (g)
  • 1 gram (g) = 100 centi grams (cg)
  • 1 deci gram (dg) = 1/10 grams (g)
  • 1 centi gram (cg) = 1/100 grams (g)
  • 1 milli gram (mg) = 1/1000 grams (g)
  • 1 ounce = 28.249 grams (gm)
  • 1 pound = 0.4536 kilograms (kg)
  • 1 stone = 6.350 kilograms
  • 1 cwt = 50.80 kilograms
  • 1 ton = 1.016 metric tons
  • 1 gram = 0.03527 ounce
  • 1 kilogram = 2.205 pounds
  • 1 kilogram = 0.158 stone
  • 1 kilogram = 0.01968 cwt
  • 1 metric ton = 0.9842 ton

Note:- (Easy Conversion Rules)
  • Metres into Yards : Add 1/10th
  • Yards into Metres : Deduct 1/10th
  • Kilometers into Miles : Multiply by 5 and Divide by 8
  • Miles into Kilometers : Multiply by 8 and Divide by 5
  • Litres into Pints : Multiply by 7 and Divide by 4
  • Pints into Litres : Multiply by 4 and Divide by 7
  • Litres into Gallons : Multiply by 2 and Divide by 9
  • Gallons into Litres : Multiply by 9 and Divide by 2
  • Kilograms into Pounds : Multiply by 9 and Divide by 2
  • Pounds into Kilograms : Multiply by 2 and Divide by 9

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Common Facts Among Islam , Judaism And Christianity

Common Facts Among Islam , Judaism And Christianity

  1. Origin in Middle East.
  2. Monotheist (Belief in one God)
  3. Faith on Prophet Abraham (A.S.).
  4. Jerusalem is a holy city.
  5. Moses (A.S.) was a Prophet of God.
  6. Importance of all Prophets (Exception Muhammad (S.A.W.) and Jesus Christ (A.S.)
  7. One(1) holy book revealed on each.
  8. Faith on single day as a natural holy day in a week.(Friday , Sabbat and Sunday)
  9. Isaac (A.S.) and Ismail (A.S) are two Prophet sons of Abraham or Ibrahim (A.S.)
  10. Sara (A.S.) and Hajirah (A.S.) are two pious and faithful wives of Abraham or Ibrahim (A.S.).
  11. Faith on Adam (A.S.) and Eve or Hawa (A.S).
  12. All people are Decendants of Adam (A.S.) and Eve or Hawa (A.S.).
  13. First human being created on the Earth was Adam (A.S.).
  14. Faith on Angles and Demons.
  15. Gabriel (A.S.) is the head angel of the God who is carrying messages.
  16. Mary or Maryam (A.S.) is the mother of Christ (A.S.).
  17. Excruciation of the Christ (A.S.).

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Comparison Among Islam , Judaism And Christianity

Islam , Judaism And Christianity

*) Islam:

  1. Title of Followers : Muslims
  2. Origin : Arabia (622 CE)( Fully Implemented) otherwise from period of Adam (A.S.)
  3. Holy Language : Arabic
  4. God Name : Allah
  5. Symbol (Likeable) : Cresent & Star
  6. Place of Worship : Mosque
  7. Clergy : Imams
  8. Sects : Sunni / Shia 
  9. Belief : Strict Monotheist
  10. Holy Books : Quran & Authentic Hadiths
  11. Holy Day : Friday
  12. Law : Islamic Sharia
  13. Head : Caliph or Khalifa
  14. Religion State : Integrated
  15. Major Splits : Shia / Sunni (660 CE)
  16. Calander Form: Hijri (ھ) or Lunar Systemic
  17. Faith on Jinns : Yes
  18. Sacred Ideas : Ablution , Friday ,worship ,Ramadan , Jihad , Sharia , Quran-o Hadith , Five times Congregations , Faith on Angels and Holy Books , 5 pillars of Islam etc.
  19. Goals of Life : Other World " Paradise "
  20. After Life : Pleasant based on reward and punishment.
  21. View on fellow Abrahamic religions : Jews and Christians are respected as " people of other holy books" but they have wrong beliefs and only partial revelation.
  22. Faith on Jesus : Jesus true prophet of the Allah. Virgin birth.
  23. Death of Jesus : Did not die but ascended into the heaven during crucifixion.
  24. Resurrection of Jesus : Denied
  25. Second Coming of Jesus : Affirmed
  26. Members : More than 1.5 billions (2nd largest religion of the world)
*) Judaism:

  1. Title of Followers : Jews
  2. Origin : Mesopotamia (2000 BCE)
  3. Holy Language : Hebrew
  4. God Name : Yahweh , Elohim (YHWH)
  5. Symbol (Likeable) : Star of Dravid
  6. Place of Worship : Synagogue
  7. Clergy : Rabbi
  8. Sects : Orthodox / Conservative
  9. Belief : Strict Monotheist
  10. Holy Books : Torah / Talmud , Midrax, Responsa.
  11. Holy Day : Saturday
  12. Law : Ten(10) Commandments / Mishna , Canon Law.
  13. Head : 
  14. Religion State : Separate
  15. Major Splits : Reform/Orthodox(1800 CE)
  16. Calander Form : Solar Systematic
  17. Faith on Jinns : Denied
  18. Sacred Ideas : Covenant between good and the jewish people, Hannukkah ,Passover , Bar/Bas  Mitzvah, Zionism , Rosh Hashhanah , Yom Kippur , Wailing Wall.
  19. Goals of Life : A moral life through obedience to God's law.
  20. After Life : Arrival of Messiah do not presume to know. Lead a good life and the afterlife will take care itself.              
  21. View on fellow Abrahamic religions : Islam and Christian are false. Interpretations and Extensions of Judaism.                                  
  22. Faith on Jesus : Jesus was just a man. False prophet. Normal birth.
  23. Death of Jesus : Death by crucifixion.
  24. Resurrection of Jesus : Denied
  25. Second Coming of Jesus : Denied
  26. Members : More than 15 Millions (12th largest religion of the world)
*) Christianity:

  1. Title of Followers : Christians
  2. Origin : Palestine (33 CE)
  3. Holy Language : Aramaic, Latin, Greese , English.
  4. God Name : Yahweh , God
  5. Symbol (Likeable) : The Cross
  6. Place of Worship : Church , Chapel
  7. Clergy : Priest , Preecher, Bishop & Pope.
  8. Sects : Catholic / Protestant, Hundreds of other groups & denominations.
  9. Belief : Trinitarian Monotheist.
  10. Holy Book : Bible (Ten Commandments and Injeel)
  11. Holy Day : Sunday
  12. Law : Ten(10) Commandments,Halakha
  13. Head : Church Father , Church Council , Papal decrees.
  14. Religion State : Separate
  15. Major Splits : Catholic/Orthodox (1054 CE ) ; Catholic / Protestant (1500 CE ).
  16. Calander Form : Solar Systematic.
  17. Faith on Jinns : Denied
  18. Sacred Ideas : Sunday Worship, Golden rule , Jesus died for man's sins. Trinity: Father, Son and holy ghost; Messiah , Disciples , Baptism , Communion (Eucharist) & confirmation. Christmas , Easter.       
  19. Goals of Life : Salvation / Damnation.
  20. After Life : Heaven / Hell                   
  21.  View on fellow Abrahamic religions : Judaism is a true religion but with incomplete revelation. Islam is a false religion.           
  22. Faith on Jesus : Jesus was the son of the God. God incarnate.Sacraments savior of the world. Virgin Birth.
  23. Death of Jesus : Death by Crucifixion.
  24. Resurrection of Jesus : Affirmed
  25. Second Coming of Jesus : Affirmed
  26. Members : More than 2.1 Billions (1st largest religion of the world).


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Comparison Among Islam , Judaism And Christianity

Islam , Judaism And Christianity *) Islam: Title of Followers : Muslims Origin : Arabia (622 CE) ( Fully Implemented) otherwise fro...