Showing posts with label Persian Alphabets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persian Alphabets. Show all posts

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Persian Language or فارسی زبان

Persian Language

     Persian Language or Farsi language or (فارسی زبان), one of the famous, historical and traditional languages of the world.It is an ancient language started since 600 BC via old Persian cuneiform.It has different scripts in writing like Old Persian Cuneiform, Pahlavi,Aramaic and Avestan.
    After Sassanid Empire in 642 CE, Arabic language became official language in the Persia and in 800 AD it became Modern Persian language of the country  having 28 letters instead of 32 letters under  the name of Perso-Arabic Alphabets without (پ،چ،ژ،گ) letters.It is a western Iranian branch of Indo-European language family.In it's words script they are written from right to left like Arabic,Urdu and Kashmiri but it's numerals are written from left to right side.Almost 112 million people as  it's speakers are particularly now in the countries of the Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iraq,Russia and Azerbaijan.
      In Afghanistan it's name is the Dari دری or Dari-Persian and in Tajikistan it's name is the Tajiki تاجیکی.
   In Kashmir it (Persian language script) entered with the entrance of the Afghanis and mugals. Almost 30% of the Persia language script are used in the kashmiri language today.

Persian Alphabetical Table

(فارسی حروف تہجی (الفبا

آ/ا     ب    پ    ت     ث      ج       چ      ح
he   cheem   Jeem   se    te    pe    be   aliph
الف      بے      پے      تے      ثے      جیم      چیم      حے

خ      د      ذ     ر      ز       ژ     س     ش
sheen seen jhay  Zay  Ray  zaal  daal  khay
خے    دال     ذال     رے    زے     جے    سین    شین

 ص    ض     ط     ظ     ع     غ     ف     ق
Qaaf  phay ghain ain  zaa  taa Zuaad suaad
صاد     ضاد     طا     ظا    عین     غین     فے     قاف

ک      گ      ل       م        ن      و     ہ    ی
ye  he  voau  noon meem laam gaaf  kaaf
کاف    گاف     لام      میم      نون      واؤ     ہے      یے

کُل = ۳۲ حروف

Persian Numerals

  ۰     ۱    ۲   ۳     ۴     ۵     ۶     ۷     ۸      ۹    ۱۰
دہ نه هشت هفت شش پنج چهار سه دو یک صفر

Farsi Alphabetical Chart

*) Vowels = 6(اَ،آ،اِ،اُ،اِی،اُو)
*) Diphthongs = 2(اَو،اَے)
*) Consonants = 23(باقی)

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