Showing posts with label PercentageMaths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PercentageMaths. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Percentage (%age)

*) Percent :- When we convert a fraction to on100ith 100 as denominator we say that we have expressed it as a percent.

    We write 75/100 , 63/100 as 75% , 63%.The symbol "%" means percent or per hundred.So, a fraction which has 💯 as it's denominator is called a percent.The standard denominator for a fraction is 100.

*) Table of Percents:
  1.  1/2  =  50%
  2.  1/3  =  33 1/3 %
  3.  1/4  =  25%
  4.  1/5  =  20%
  5.  1/6  =  16 2/3 %
  6.  1/8  =  12 1/2 %
  7.  1/10 = 10 %
  8.  2/3  =  66 2/3 %
  9.  2/5  =  40 %
  10.  3/4  =  75 %

*) Profit or Loss Percent Formulas;

1):- Profit % = (Profit/Cost Price ) * 100

       e.g. I purchased 100 pens @ RS. 5                  per piece on RS. 425 and sold                  all of them on RS. 500.Here I                  had profit = 500-425 = RS.75                    by this deal.
              Now I check how much profit                percentage I have gain:
              Profit % =( 75/425) *100
                               =17.65 %

2):- Loss % = (Loss/Cost Price) * 100 

       e.g. I purchased 60 copies MRP 20                on RS. 1000. Out of 60 copies                  6 copies damaged by any way                and 6 copies stole by someone                at shop and rest sold @ 20 on                  RS 960.Here I had Loss= 1000 -                960 = RS.40  by this deal.
              Now I check how much loss                    percentage I have taken:
              Loss % =( 40/1000) *100
                            =4 %

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