Showing posts with label Miracles of HQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miracles of HQ. Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Miracles of the Holy Quran

Miracles of the Holy Quran

    Dr. Tariq Al Suwaiden a well known Muslim scholar and a scientist conducted a research into the words of the Holy Quran which revealed the following:

   Words                 Meaning             No.of times                                                                occurred in HQ

Al-Duniya   This World           115
Al-Akhira   This HereAfter       115
Al-Malaikah    Angels             88
Al-Shaitan     Satan              88
Al-Hayat       Life              145
Al-Maut        Death             145
Al-Shahr       Month              12
Al-Youm        Day               365
Al-Bahr        Sea                32
Al-Bur         Land               13

Simple Example:
     By adding the total number of the two words. e.g. "Sea" and "Land" is
32 +13=45.

     By simple calculation,it means:

Sea:    (32/45 * 100) % = 71.11 %          (portion of the world)

Land:  (13/45 * 100) % = 28.89 %           (portion of the world)

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