Showing posts with label Indian History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indian History. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2019

Main Historical Dates of Indian History

Main Historical Dates in the Indian History.

  1. 2700 BC :- Harappan Civilisation.
  2. 900 BC :- Mahabharata War.
  3. 544 BC :- Buddha's Nirvana.
  4. 327 BC :- Alexander's Invasion.
  5. 322 BC :- Chandragupta Maurya defeated Seleacus  Nicator.Rise of the Mauryas , Chandragupta established first Indian Empire.
  6. 58 BC :- Epoch of the Krita Malava Vikram Era.
  7. 78 AD :- Saka Era Begins.
  8. 320 AD :- Chandergupta I established the Gupta dynasty.
  9. 606 AD :- Accession of Harshvardhan Gupta.
  10. 711 AD :- Invasion of sind by Mohammad bin Qasim.
  11. 1026 AD :- Mahmud Ghazni destroyed Somnath Temple.
  12. 1191 AD :- Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Mohammad Ghori in the first battle of Tarain.
  13. 1192 AD :- Mohammad Ghori defeated back Prithviraj Chauhan in the second battle of Tarain.
  14. 1206 AD :- Qutbuddin established the Slave Dynasty.
  15. 1288 AD :- Macro Polo Visited India
  16. 1398 AD :- Timur Invades India
  17. 1498 AD :- Vasco Da Game lands in India
  18. 1510 AD :- The Portuguese Capture Goa.
  19. 1526 AD :- Mughal Dynasty starts in India with the first battle of Panipat and Babur defeats the Lodis.
  20. 1539 AD :- Sher Shah Suri defeats Humayun and becomes Emperor of Delhi.
  21. 1556 AD :- Death of Humayun leads to accession of Akbar.
  22. 1565 AD :- Battle of Talikota where Muslim rulers in Deccan overcome the Vijyanagar Empire.
  23. 1576 AD :- Akbar defeats Rana Pratap in the battle of Haldighati, Subjugation of Bengal.
  24. 1606 AD :- Rebellion of Khusrau , execution of Arjan Dev (Fifth Guru).
  25. 1631 AD :- Death of Mumtaz Mahal (Shah Jahan's wife), Construction of Taj Mahal.
  26. 1680 AD :- Death of Shivaji.
  27. 1739 AD :- Nadir Shah conquers Delhi.
  28. 1757 AD :- Battle of Plassey ; The British defeats Siraj-ud-Daulah.
  29. 1761 Ahmed Shah Abdali defeats the Marathas in the third battle of Panipat; Accession of Mahadev Rao Peshwa ; Rise of Hyder Ali ( Father of Tipu Sultan).
  30. 1764 AD :- Battle of Buxar ; the British defeat Mir Kasim.
  31. 1765 AD :- The British get Diwani Rights in Bengal , Bihar and Orissa.
  32. 1773 AD :- The Regulating Act passed by the British Parliament.
  33. 1793 AD :- Permanent Settlement of Bengal.
  34. 1853 AD :- First Railway Line opened from Mumbai to Thane, Telegraph Line from calcutta to Agra.
  35. 1857 AD :- First war of Indian Independence; Calcutta , Bombay and Madras Universities founded.
  36. 1858 AD :- British Crown takes over the Indian Government.
  37. 1885 AD :- Indian National Congress founded.
  38. 1905 AD :- Partition of Bengal announced ; to come in force from 16th October,1906.
  39. 1906 AD :- 13th December , Muslim League founded at Decca.
  40. 1909 AD :- 21st May , Minto Morley Reforms of Indian Councils Act , 1909.
  41. 1911 AD :- Partition of Bengal is concelled.
  42. 1912 AD :- 23rd  December, Delhi becomes the New Capital of India ; Bomb thrown on Lord Hardinge on his state entry into Delhi.
  43. 1915 AD :- 9th January, Gandhiji arrives in India ; 19th February, Death of Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
  44. 1918 AD :- Beginning of Trade Union Movement in India.
  45. 1919 AD :- 13th April, Jallianwala Bagh tragedy happened.
  46. 1920 AD :- The Indian National Congress adopts the Non Co-operation Resolution.
  47. 1923 AD :- Swarajist Part formed by Moti Lal Nehru and others.
  48. 1927 AD :- 8th November, The British Prime Minister announced the appointment of the Simon Commission to suggest future constitutional reforms in India.
  49.  3rd February, Simon Commission arrives in Bombay and All India Hartal.Lala Lajpat Rai assaulted by police at Lahore ; Nehru report recommends principles for the new Constitution of India ; 17th November Death of Lala Lajpat Rai.
  50. 1929 AD:-Sarda Act passed prohibiting marriage of girls below 14 and boys below 18 years of age w.e.f. 1930. 9 March,All Parties Muslim Conference formulates the "Fourteen Points" under the leadership of Jinnah.8th April, Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt throw bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly. 31st December, the Lahore session of the INC adopts the goal of complete independence "Poorna Swarajya for India".
  51. 1930 AD:- 26th January, First Independence Day observed. 14th February, The working Committee of the INC meets at Sabamati and passes the Civil Disobedience resolution. 12th March, Gandhiji launches the Civil Disobedience Movement with his epic Dandi March (March 12 to April 6).30th November, First Round Table Conference being in London to consider the report of the Simon Commission.
  52. 1931 AD :- Gandhi-Irwin pact signed.Civil Disobedience Movement suspended. 23rd March, Bhagat Singh,Sukh Dev and Rajguru executed.7th September, Second Round Table Conference. Launches Civil Disobedience Movement. The INC declared illegal.
  53. 1932 AD :- 4th January, Gandhiji arrested and imprisoned without trial. 16th August, British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald announced the infamous "Communal Award". 20th September, Gandhiji in Jail begins his epic "Fast unto Death" against the Communal Award and ends the fast on September 26th after the Poona Pact. 17th November, the third Round Table Conference begins in London (17th November to 24th December).
  54. 1933 AD :- 9th May, Gandhiji released from Prison as he begins fast for self purification.INC suspends Civil Disobedience Movement but authorizes Satyagraha by Individuals.
  55. 1934 AD :- Gandhiji withdraws from active politics and devotes himself to "Constructive Programmes" (1934-39).
  56. 1935 AD :- 4th August, The Government of India Act (1935) passed.
  57. 1937 AD :- Elections held in India under the Act of 1935 (February 1937). The INC contest election and forms ministers in several provinces (July 1937).
  58. 1938 AD :- 19th-20th February, Haripura Session of INC. Subhash Chandra Bose elected Congress President.
  59. 1939 AD :- 10th-12th March, Tripuri session of the INC. Subhash Chandra Bose resigns as President of the INC in April. 3rd September, Second World War begins. Great Britain declares war on Germany ; The Victory declares that India too is at war. 22nd December "Deliverance Day".
  60. 1940 AD :- March , Lahore session of the Muslim League passes the Pakistan Resolution.August , 10th Viceroy Linlithgow announces "August Offer". 18th-22nd August, Congress Working Committee rejects the "August Offer". 17th October, Congress launches Individual Satyagraha Movement.
  61. 1941 AD :- 17th January, Subhash Chandra Bose escapes from India; arrives in Berlin (28th March).
  62. 1942 AD :- 11th March, Churchill announces the Cripps Mission. 7th-8th August, The INC meets in Bombay; adopts " Quit India" resolution. 9th August, Gandhiji and other Congress leaders arrested. 11th August, Quit India Movement begins.1st September, Subhash Chandra Bose established the Indian National Army " Azad Hindi Fauj".
  63.  To be Continued......

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