Showing posts with label Human Blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human Blood. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

" Blood " A Red Fluid (Briefly Described)

Blood or خون or रथ

  • Blood is a red fluid running in our body to keep us live.
  • It is a connective tissue.
  • Quantity in a man = 6.8 litres
  • Quantity in a Woman = 6-6.3 litres
  • Constitutes = 6-8% of body weight
  • pH = 7.4
  1. Functions of Blood :
  • To supply oxygen to the various organs of the body.
  • To remove waste products of the body.
  • To supply food to the various organs of the body
  • To manufacture digestive juice.
  • It is divided into two categories : I) Blood Plasma and II) Blood Cells

2. Blood Cells :
  • They are originated in Red Bone Marrow.
  • They are of three types : i) RBC (Red Blood Corpuscle) , ii) WBC ( White Blood Corpuscle) and iii) Platelets.
3. RBC :
  • Also Called : Erythrocyte
  • Disc- Shaped
  • No Nucleus
  • Contains a pigment called Haemoglobin.
  • Haemoglobin makes a blood cell red coloured.
  • It also transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  • It's life = 120 days
  • Number of RBCs in a Normal body = 4.5-5 million/ cubic mm of blood.
4. WBC :
  • Also called = Leucocyte
  • Rounded
  • has a Nucleus.
  • Acts as the soldier of body's defence system.
  • Number of WBCs in a Normal body = 8000/ cubic mm of blood.
5. Platelets :
  • Also called Thrombocytes.
  • They are about 2,50,000/cubic mm of blood.
  • They help the blood to clot.
6. Blood Groupings :
  • Karl Landsteiner = Father of Blood Grouping.
  • He discovered A, B and O blood groups.
  • Another blood group AB discovered by Decastello and Sturle.
Blood Grp: Can donate to : Can get from
     A                      A , AB                A , O
     B                      B , AB                 B , O
    AB                       AB              A, B, AB , O
     O                A, B, AB, O                 O

7. RH Factor :
  • It is a blood antigen found in RBC.
  • It has two types : Rh+ and Rh-
  • Rh+ or Rh- depends upon the presence of Rh factor in RBC.
  • Rh+ person can receive blood from both Rh+ and Rh- persons.
  • Rh- person can only receive blood from Rh- persons.
  • Percentage of Rh+ persons in the world = 86 %
  • Percentage of Rh- persons in the world = 14 %
  • James Blundell founds the development bof Blood Transfusion Technique.
8. Blood Pressure :With every contraction and relaxation of the heart, there is a certain degree of pressure on the walls of the blood vessels.This is called Blood Pressure.

9. Sphermagnometer :-It is an instrument used to record Blood Pressure.

10. Some Causes of  High Blood Pressure : Kidney disease , internal poisoning and prolonged emotional stress.

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