Showing posts with label HV of Arabic Letters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HV of Arabic Letters. Show all posts

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Hidden Values of Arabic Letters

Hidden Values of Arabic Letters

Total letters of Arabic Language script : 28

  1. ا  : ١  (1) --------------(I,e)
  2. ب : ٢ (2) --------------(b)
  3. ت : ۴۰۰ (400) --------(t)
  4. ث : ٥٠٠ (500) --------(s)
  5. ج : ٣  (3) -------------(j,g)
  6. ح : ٨ (8) --------------(h)
  7. خ : ٦٠٠ (600) --------(kh)
  8. د : ۴ (4) ---------------(d)
  9. ذ : ٧٠٠ (700) ---------(z,x)
  10. ر : ٢٠٠ (200) ---------(r)
  11. ز : ٧ (7) ---------------(z,x)
  12. س : ٦٠ (60) ----------(s)
  13. ش : ٣٠٠ (300) -------(sh)
  14. ص : ٩٠ (90) ----------(s)
  15. ض : ٨٠٠ (800) -------(z,d)
  16. ط : ٩ (9) --------------(t)
  17. ظ : ٩٠٠ (900) --------(z)
  18. ع : ٧٠ (70) -----------(a,o,u)
  19. غ : ١٠٠٠ (1000)------(g)
  20. ف : ٨٠ (80) ----------(f,ph)
  21. ق : ١٠٠ (100) --------(q)
  22. ك : ٢٠ (20) -----------(k)
  23. ل : ٣٠ (30) -----------(l)
  24. م : ٤٠ (40) -----------(m)
  25. ن : ٥٠ (50) -----------(n)
  26. و : ٦ (6) --------------(w,v)
  27. ه : ٥ (5) --------------(h)
  28. ى : ١٠ (10) -----------(y)

اَبْجَدْ    : ا+ب+ج+د       : ١+٢+٣+٤            = ١٠
هَوَّزْ      : ه+و+ز            : ٥+٦+٧                = ١٨
حُطِّىْ   : ح+ط+ى          : ٨+٩+١٠              = ٢٧
كَلِمَنْ     : ك+ل+م+ن.     : ٢٠+٣٠+٤٠+٥٠      = ١٤٠
سَعْفَصْ : س+ع+ف+ص : ٦٠+٧٠+٨٠+٩٠      = ٣٠٠
قَرَشَتْ   : ق+ر+ش+ت    : ١٠٠+٢٠٠+٣٠٠+٤٠٠ = ١٠٠٠
ثَخَّذْ      : ث+خ+ذ          : ٥٠٠+٦٠٠+٧٠٠        = ١٨٠٠
ضَظَّغْ    : ض+ظ+غ       : ٨٠٠+٩٠٠+١٠٠٠       = ٢٧٠٠

*)  Everyone can check the value of his/her name with the aid of above cited Arabic Letter Values (ALV):

e.g. Someone have names Abdullah            and Fatima.

       Abdullah is written in Urdu like           this :

 1) عبداللّٰہ --------------- ع+ب+د+ا+ل+ل+ہ
142= 1+4+2 = 7

So, the Name "Abdullah" has value 7 in Arabic language script.

   And Fatima is written in Urdu like       this:

2) فاطمہ ----------------- ف+ا+ط+م+ہ

5+40+9+1+80 = 135
135 = 1+3+5 = 9

So,the Name "Fatima " has Value 9 in Arabic language script.

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