Showing posts with label Computer (QNA). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer (QNA). Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Computer (Definitions)

Computer (Imp Terms)

  • What is a Computer :- The word " Computer" actually comes from the word "Compute" which means to calculate So, the word "Computer" means a calculating device or machine.With the help of this machine all Arithmetic operations are easily and accurately solved within no time.
  • Computer is an electronic device, which can perform several tasks simultaneously. Or It is an electronic machine , developed by man to reduce work load. Or It is an electronic machine which accepts raw data or inputs then processing on the them and displays the required outputs or information.

  • Who invented the Computer :- It was invented by "Charles Babbage" in 1833. But it's name was first Analytical Engine at that time later became it a computer.
  • What is an Abacus :- An Abacus is the first well known calculating device developed by chinese for quick calculations. It is used for counting numbers for calculation.
  • What is the Binary Number System :- Computers use the Binary Number System for storing numbers.There are only two digits "0" and "1" in this System. The base or radix of this system is "2" two.
  • Binary Number System :- '0' and '1'  (Only Two(2) digits) ; Base = 2  ; e.g. 1101 , 1111, 1001 etc.
  • Decimal Number System :- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9  (Only Ten(10) digits)  ; Base = 10   ;     e.g. 123, 451, 100, 136 etc 
  •  i) 236 = 2x 10^² + 3x 10^¹ + 6x10^0 =236.
  • Hexadecimal Number System :- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F (Only Sixteen (16) digits)  ;  Base = 16 ;  e.g. 12B, 10A, 13E, 9F etc.
  • Octal Number System :-  0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (Only Eight(8) digits)  ;  Base= 8
I) Convert Binary Number "1101" into a Decimal Number:
1x2^³ + 1x2^² + 0x2^¹ + 1x2^0
= 8 + 4 + 0 + 1
= 13

II) Convert Decimal Number "13" into a Binary Number:
1x 10^¹ + 3x 10^0
= 10 + 3 x 1
= 13

=>  13/2 = 6 rem 1
=>    6/2 = 3 rem 0
=>    3/2 = 1 rem 1
=>     2 cannot divide 1 properly
=>    Here we get remainders "1101" and it is of form Binary Number.

III) Convert Binary Number "1101" into a Hexadecimal Number:
=>   1101 (0001 0001 0000 0001) (Binary
=>   1x 2^³ + 1x 2^² + 0x 2^¹ + 1x 2^0
=>    8 + 4 + 1   = 13  (Decimal Number)
=>    13 (0001 0011) = C  (Hexadecimal)
  • What is a CD :- A CD (Compact Disc) is a plastic disc used for storing information. It is a popular moveable media of the computer that has a capability of storing all the records.
  • What is a CPU :- A CPU is a Central Processing Unit commonly known as CPU. It is the brain of a Computer. It performs the basic Arithmetic and Logic functions and controls the overall functioning of the System.CPU consists of two parts namely, Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit (CU).It is a metallic box that does all the work, all the thinking , all the processing of the Computer.
  • What is an ALU :- ALU stands for Arithmetic and Logic Unit, takes care of all the mathematical and logical functions done by the computer.
  • Logical functions = Comparisons   e.g.  4 < 7 = true ; 7< 4 = False etc
  • Arithmetic operations = +,-,÷,x        e.g. 4+6 =10 ; 6-3 = 3 ; 3x8 = 24 ; 10÷2 =5

  •    (To be continued)


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