Showing posts with label Basic Rules (Mathematics). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basic Rules (Mathematics). Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2019

Mathematics (Basic Rules)

Mathematics (Basic Rules)

Following are the few general or basic arithmetic rules of the mathematics:-

(1) For Addition & Subtraction:
  1. (+) + (+)= (+) ; e.g.  4 + 6   = 10 ;  6 +  4= 10
  2. (-) + (-) = ( - ) ; e.g. -3 +(-5)= -8  ; -5 + -3= -8
  3. (+) + (-)  or (-) + (+) = (either (+) or (-) depends upon the greater number) +3 + (-8) = (-5)  or  -3 + (+8)= (5)
  4. (+) - (+) = (either (+) or (-) depends upon the greater number on spot first=(+) or on spot second= (-)) ; +4 - (+3) = 1 or +4 - (+5) = -1
  5. (-) - (-) = (either (+) or (-) depends upon the greater number on spot first=(-) or on spot second= (+)) ; -4 - (-3) = -1 or -3 - (-4) = 1
  6. (+) - (-) = (+) ; e.g. +4 - (-3) = 7 or +3 - (-4) = 7
  7. (-) - (+) = (-) ; e.g. -4 - (+3)= -7 or -3 - (+4)= -7
  8. For Multiplication:
  9. (+) × (+) = (+) ; e.g. 9 × (0.6) = 5.4
  10. (-) × (-) = (+) ; e.g. (-3) × (-5) = +15
  11. (-) × (+) = (-) ; e.g. (-3) × (+5) = -15
  12. (+) × (-) = (-) ; e.g. (3) × (-5) = -15
  13. For Division:
  14. (+)/(+) = (+) ; e.g. (+10)/(+2) = (+5)
  15. (-)/(-) = (+) ; e.g. (-10)/(-2) = (+5)
  16. (-)/(+) = (-) ; e.g. (-10)/(+2) = (-5)
  17. (+)/(-) = (-) ; e.g. (+10)/(-2) = (-5)

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