Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Jammu And Kashmir (Facts and Figures)

Jammu And Kashmir

"If there is a paradise on the Earth, It is here, It is here, It is here." Said the Mughal King or Emperor of India "Jahangir".

  1. Current Status :- Three separate parts i) IOK (Indian Occupied Kashmir) , ii) POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) and iii) COK (China Occupied Kashmir).
  2. Total Area :- 222,236 sq.km.(IOK only)
  3. No.of Districts :- 22
  4. Capitals : 2 ; a) Srinagar for Summer (May-October) and b) Jammu for Winter (November-April).
  5. No.of Villages (2007) :- 6,758
  6. No.of Towns (2001) :- 75
  7. Languages :- Urdu , Kashmiri , Dogri , Pahari , Ladakhi , Balti , Punjabi , Gujri and Dadri.
  8. Nature of State Legislature :- Bicameral
  9. Lok Sabha Constituencies :- 06
  10. Rajya Sabha Constituencies :- 87
  11. Total Members of Legislative Assembly :- 89 (Elected 87 , Nominated 2)
  12. Legislative Council Members :- 36
  13. State Animal :- Hangul
  14. State Bird :- Black Necked Crane
  15. State Tree :- China
  16. State Flower :- Lotus
  17. Climatic Division :- Six(6)
  18. Popular Climatic period :- Chillai Kalan (21st December - 31st Jan)
  19. Big Physical Division :- Three (3) ; I) Jammu , II) Kashmir and III) Ladakh
  20. Most Beautiful Division :- Kashmir
  21. Population (2011) :- 1,25,48,926
  22. Percent to total population of India (2011) :- 1.04 %
  23. No.of Males (2011) :- 66,65,561
  24. No.of Females (2011) :- 58,83,365
  25. Sex Ratio (Female : Male) (2011) :- 883 : 1000
  26. Decadal growth of Population (2010-11) :- 23.71 %
  27. Population Density (2011) :- 124 persons/sq.km.
  28. Urban Population (2011) :- 27.21%
  29. Literacy Rate (2011) :- 68.74%
  30. Literacy Rate among males (2011) :- 78.26%
  31. Literacy Rate among females (2011) :- 58.01%
  32. Most Populous District :- Jammu (15,26,406)
  33. Most Densily Populous District :- Ganderbal (1151/km)
  34. Least Populous District :- Kargil (1,43,388)
  35. Least Densily Populous District :- Leh (3 / sq.km)
  36. Most Literate District :- Jammu (83.98%)
  37. Least Literate District :- Ramban (56.90%)
  38. District with highest sex Ratio :- Kulgam and Shopian (951:1000)
  39. District with Lowest sex Ratio :- Leh (583 : 1000)
  40. Rural Population of the state :- 91,34,820 (72.79%)
  41. Urban Population of the state :- 34,14,106 (27.21%)
  42. Sex Ratio among Rural Population :- 899 : 1000
  43. Sex Ratio among Urban Population :- 840 : 1000
  44. Literacy Rate among Rural Population :- 64.97
  45. Literacy Rate among Urban Population :- 78.19 %
  46. Total road length :- 40,103 km
  47. No.of post offices :- 1690
  48. Number of Universities :- 8
  49. Net Area Irrigated :- 3,20,622 hectares
  50. Recorded Total Forrest Area (2009) :- 20,230 sq.km.
  51. Biggest Town :- Anantnag
  52. Biggest City :- Srinagar
  53. Biggest  Village :- Arnia (Population)
  54. Biggest District :- Leh (Area)
  55. Biggest Fresh water Lake :- Wular
  56. Biggest Salt Water Lake :- Pangong
  57. Biggest Mosque :- Jama Masjid Srinagar
  58. Biggest Temple :- Raghunath Mandir Complex Jammu
  59. Biggest Hydal Project :- Salal
  60. Biggest Golf Course :- Gulmarg
  61. Biggest Glacier :- Kolahoi
  62. Biggest Cascade :- Aharabal
  63. Longest Tunnel :- Jawahar Tunnel Banihal
  64. Longest River :- Sindh
  65. Longest Lake :- Pangong Leh
  67. Highest Town :- Leh (11,500 ft)
  68. Highest Airport :- Leh
  69. Highest peak :- Nanga Parbat
  70. Highest lake :- Pangong (Leh)
  71. Highest Pass :- Khardungla (14000)
  72. Highest Rainfall :- Ram Nagar
  73. Coldest Place :- Drass
  74. Deepest Lake :- Manasbal
  75. Oldest Fort :- Bahu Fort
  76. Oldest Hydel Project :- Mohra.

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