Monday, June 24, 2019

Important facts to remember about Human Body

Important facts to remember about Human Body

  1. Total Number of Bones :- Almost 206
  2. Longest Bone :- Femur (Thigh Bone)
  3. Smallest Bone :- Ear Ossicle,Stapes
  4. Number of Cells in a body :- 75 trillion
  5. Length of Alimentary Canal :- Almost 8 metres
  6. Weight of Brain :- 1400 g
  7. BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) :- 1600 K.Cal/day
  8. Blood Volume :- 6.8 litres (in 70 kg body)
  9. Normal B.P. :- 120/80 mm Hg
  10. Number of R.B.C. :- i) in Females :- 4.0-4.5 million/cubic mm ; ii) in Males :- 4.5-5.0 million/cubic mm
  11. Life span of R.B.C :- 120 days
  12. Normal W.B.C. count :- 5000-10000/cubic mm
  13. Life span of W.B.C :- 3-4 days
  14. D.L.C.(Differential Leucocyte Count) :- i) Basophils :- 0.5-1.0 % ; ii) Eosinophils :- 1-3 % ; iii) Monocytes :- 3-8% ; iv) Neutrophils :- 40-70% ; v) Lymphocytes :- 2-2.5 %
  15. Blood Platelets Count :- 200000-400000/cubic mm
  16. Hemoglobin :- i) in Female : 11-14 gm/100 c.c. of blood ; ii) in Male : 14-15.6 gm/100 c.c. of blood
  17. Hb content in body :- 500-700 gm
  18. Universal blood donor :- O Rh -ve
  19. Universal blood recipient :- AB
  20. Blood clotting time :- 2-5 minutes
  21. Average Body Weight :- 70 kg
  22. Normal Body Temperature :- 98.4°F or 37 °C
  23. Breathing Rate :- 16-20/minutes
  24. Dental Formula :- i) Adult : 2123/2123 = 32 ; ii) Child : 2120/2120 = 22 milk teeth
  25. Number of Cranial Nerves :- 12 pairs
  26. Number of Spinal Nerves :- 31 pairs
  27. Largest Endocrine Gland :- Thyroid
  28. Gestation Period :- 9 months (253-266 days)
  29. Normal heart beat :- 72-75/minute
  30. Largest Gland :- Liver
  31. Largest Muscle in the body :- Gluteus Maximums (Buttock Muscle)
  32. Largest Smooth Muscle :- Uterus of Pregnant woman
  33. Smallest Muscle in the Body :- Stapedius
  34. Largest Artery :- Abdominal Aorta
  35. Largest Vein :- Inferior Vanacava
  36. Largest W.B.C. :- Monocyte
  37. Smallest W.B.C. :- Lymphocyte
  38. Greatest regeneration power :- In Liver
  39. Longest Nerve :- Sciatic
  40. Longest Cell :- Neuron (Nerve Cell)
  41. Menstrual Cycle :- 28 days
  42. Menopause age :- 45-50 years
  43. Minimum regeneration power :- In Brain Cells
  44. Minimum distance for proper vision :- 25 cm
  45. Type of Placenta :- Haemochorial (Chorioallantoic)
  46. Pulse Rate :- 72/minute
  47. Volume of Semen :- 2-4 ml/ejaculation
  48. Normal Sperm Count :- 200-350 million/ejaculation
  49. ESR(Normal Erythrocyte Sedimentation) :- 4.10 min./hour rate
  50. Thinnest Skin :- Conjunctiva
  51. pH of Gastric Juice :- 1.4
  52. pH of Urine :- 6.0
  53. pH of Blood :- 7.35-7.45
  54. (To be Continued...)

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