Monday, June 24, 2019

Different Branches of Science

Different Branches of Science

  1. Aeronautics :- Science of flight of airplanes.
  2. Astronomy :- Study of heavenly bodies
  3. Agronomy :- Science dealing with crop plants.
  4. Angiology :- Deals with the study of blood vascular system.
  5. Anthology :- Study of flowers
  6. Anthropology :- Study of apes and man.
  7. Apiculture :- Honey industry (Bee Keeping)
  8. Araneology :- Study of spiders.
  9. Batracology :- Study of frogs.
  10. Biochemistry :- Deals with the study of chemical reactions in relation to life activities.
  11. Biotechnology :- Deals with the use of microorganisms in commercial processes for producing fine chemicals such as drugs, Vaccines, hormones etc. on a large scale.
  12. Cardiology :- Study of heart
  13. Craniology :- Study of Skulls.
  14. Cryptography :- Study of secret writing.
  15. Cryogenics :- Study concerning with the application and Uses of very low temperature.
  16. Cytology :- Study of cells
  17. Dermatology :- Study of skin.
  18. Ecology :- The study of relationship between organisms and environment.
  19. Entomology :- Study of Insects.
  20. Etiology :- Study of cause of disease.
  21. Eugenics :- Study of improvement of human race by applying laws of heredity.It is related with future generations.
  22. Evolution :- Deals with the study of origin of new from old.
  23. Floriculture :- Study of flower yielding plants.
  24. Geology :- Study of condition and structure of the earth.
  25. Genetics :- Study of heredity and variations.
  26. Gerontology :- Study of growing old.
  27. Gynecology :- Study of female reproductive organs.
  28. Horticulture :- Study of garden cultivation.
  29. Hematology :- Study of blood.
  30. Hepatology :- Study of liver.
  31. Iconography :- Teaching by pictures and models.
  32. Immunology:- Science which deals with the study of resistance of organisms against infection.
  33. Jurisprudence :- Science of law.
  34. Kalology :- Study of human beauty.
  35. Lexicography :- Compiling of Dictionary.
  36. Mycology :- Study of fungi.
  37. Myology :- Study of Muscles.
  38. Nephrology :- Study of Kidneys
  39. Neurology :- Study of nervous system.
  40. Numismatic :- Study of coins and medals.
  41. Obstetrics :- Branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy.
  42. Oneirology :- Study of Dreams.
  43. Ophthalmology :- Study of eyes.
  44. Ornithology :- Study of Birds.
  45. Osteology :- Study of Bones.
  46. Palaeontology :- Study of fossils.
  47. Philately :- Stamp Collecting.
  48. Philology :- Study of Languages.
  49. Phonetics :- Concerning the sounds of a spoken language.
  50. Physiology :- Science dealing with functioning of organisms.
  51. Pedology :- Study of soils.
  52. Pathology :- Study of disease causing organisms.
  53. Physiography :- Natural Phenomenon
  54. Psychology :- Study of Algae.
  55. Pomology :- Study of fruits.
  56. Seismology :- Study of Earthquake.
  57. Sericulture :- Silk industry (culture of Silk moth and pupa).
  58. Telepathy :- Communication between two minds at a distance with the help of emotions thoughts and feelings.
  59. Taxonomy :- Study of classification of organisms.
  60. Virology :- Study of Virus.

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