Wednesday, May 22, 2019

International Place Value System Vs Indian Place Value System

International Place Value System Vs Indian Place Value System.

*) International Place Value System :
1) Ones ( 1  _  9), 
2) Tens ( 10  _  99), 
3) Hundreds ( 100 _ 999), 
4) Thousands ( 1000 _ 9999),    
5) Ten Thousands ( 10,000  _  99,999),
6) Hundred Thousands( 100,000  _  999,999),      
7) Million ( 1,000,000  _  9,999,999),
8) Ten Millions ( 10,000,000 _  99,999,999),
9) Hundred Millions 
     ( 100,000,000 _ 999,999,999),
10) One Billion
       ( 1,000,000,000 _  9,999,999,999)

*) Indian Place Value System :

1) Ones (1 _ 9),
2) Tens (10 _ 99),
3) Hundreds (100 _ 999),
4) Thousands (1000 _ 9999),
5) Ten Thousands ( 10,000  _  99,999),
6) One Lac or Lakh ( 1,00,000  _  9,99,999),
7) Ten Lacs or Lakhs( 10,00,000  _  99,99,999),
8) One Crore ( 1,00,00,000  _   9,99,99,999),
9) Ten Crores ( 10,00,00,000  _  99,99,99,999),
10)One Arab ( 1,00,00,00,000  _  9,99,99,99,999)

(Differences between International Place Value System and Indian Place Value System):

1) by Comma using (,):

   e.g. 123456789   (How do we write this?)

   *) 123,456,789      (In International P.V.S)

   *) 12,34,56,789     (In Indian P.V.S.)

2) by Read and Write:

   e.g. 123456789

   *) 123,456,789
      (One hundred twenty three millions,four          hundred fifty six thousands seven                        hundreds eighty nine)   
      (International P.V.S)

   *) 12,34,56,789
      (12 Crores,thirty four lakhs, fifty six
       thousands seven hundred eighty nine
       (Indian P.V.S)

3) by Number Names :

*) Hundred Thousands = One Lakh
*) One Million = Ten Lakhs
*) Ten Millions = One Crore
*) Hundred Millions = Ten  Crores
*) One Billion = One Arab

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