Thursday, May 16, 2019

Basic Important Points to Remember (Mathematics)

Basic Important Points to Remember

Q1):- What is Number Name of 55555 ?
Ans: 55555 = fifty five thousand five hundred fifty five.

Q2):- Numerals of "Eight thousand fifty three"?
Ans:  8053

Q3):- Place Value Chart of 632561 ?
Ans:    6       3       2       5       6      1
            L    T/Th   Th    H      T      O

L = lac , lakh ; T/Th = Ten Thousand ; Th = Thousand ; 
H = hundreds ; T = Tens ; O = Ones

Q4):- Indicate the place value of digits underlined (1 3 8 0 6)?
Ans: 3000 , 800 , 6

Q5):- Expanded Form of  12345 ?
Ans: 10000 + 2000 + 300 + 40 + 5

Q6):- Short Form of 80000 + 3000 + 300 + 20 + 7 ?
Ans: 83327

Q7):- Successor of 60199 ?
Ans: 60200  (60199 +1, bcuz Successor means one step ahead)

Q8):- Predecessor of  54000 ?
Ans: 53999  (54000-1, bcuz predecessor means one step back)

Q9):- What is an Addition?
Ans:  Arithmetic operation for adding addends.

Q10) :- What is a Sum?
Ans: Outcome result of Addition.                   

e.g. Operation of Addition on two numbers 14 + 9 = 23
       14 (Addendum) + 9 (Addendum) = 23 (Sum)

Q11):- What is a Subtraction?
Ans: Arithmetic operation for deducting subtrahend from              minuend.

Q12):- What is a difference?
Ans: Outcome result of Subtraction.      

e.g.Operation of Subtraction on two numbers 146 -122 = 24
146 (minuend) - 122 (Subtrahend) = 24 (Difference)

Q13):- What is a Multiplication?
Ans: Arithmetic operation to multiply multiplicand with                  multiplier.

Q14):- What is a Product ?
Ans: Outcome result of Multiplication.

e.g.Operation of Multiplication on two numbers 6 * 9 = 54
6 (Multiplicand) * 9 ( Multiplier) = 54 (Product)

Q15):- What is a Division?
Ans: Arithmetic operation to divide divisor from dividend.

Q16):- What is a Quotient?
Ans: Outcome result of Division along with remainder.

e.g. Operation of Division on two numbers 66 ÷ 6 = 11
66 (Dividend) ÷ 6 ( Divisor) = 11 (Quotient) , 0 (Remainder)

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