Friday, April 19, 2019

Mathematics (Basic Rules)

Mathematics (Basic Rules)

Following are the few general or basic arithmetic rules of the mathematics:-

(1) For Addition & Subtraction:
  1. (+) + (+)= (+) ; e.g.  4 + 6   = 10 ;  6 +  4= 10
  2. (-) + (-) = ( - ) ; e.g. -3 +(-5)= -8  ; -5 + -3= -8
  3. (+) + (-)  or (-) + (+) = (either (+) or (-) depends upon the greater number) +3 + (-8) = (-5)  or  -3 + (+8)= (5)
  4. (+) - (+) = (either (+) or (-) depends upon the greater number on spot first=(+) or on spot second= (-)) ; +4 - (+3) = 1 or +4 - (+5) = -1
  5. (-) - (-) = (either (+) or (-) depends upon the greater number on spot first=(-) or on spot second= (+)) ; -4 - (-3) = -1 or -3 - (-4) = 1
  6. (+) - (-) = (+) ; e.g. +4 - (-3) = 7 or +3 - (-4) = 7
  7. (-) - (+) = (-) ; e.g. -4 - (+3)= -7 or -3 - (+4)= -7
  8. For Multiplication:
  9. (+) × (+) = (+) ; e.g. 9 × (0.6) = 5.4
  10. (-) × (-) = (+) ; e.g. (-3) × (-5) = +15
  11. (-) × (+) = (-) ; e.g. (-3) × (+5) = -15
  12. (+) × (-) = (-) ; e.g. (3) × (-5) = -15
  13. For Division:
  14. (+)/(+) = (+) ; e.g. (+10)/(+2) = (+5)
  15. (-)/(-) = (+) ; e.g. (-10)/(-2) = (+5)
  16. (-)/(+) = (-) ; e.g. (-10)/(+2) = (-5)
  17. (+)/(-) = (-) ; e.g. (+10)/(-2) = (-5)

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