Sunday, March 31, 2019

Miracles of the Holy Quran

Miracles of the Holy Quran

    Dr. Tariq Al Suwaiden a well known Muslim scholar and a scientist conducted a research into the words of the Holy Quran which revealed the following:

   Words                 Meaning             No.of times                                                                occurred in HQ

Al-Duniya   This World           115
Al-Akhira   This HereAfter       115
Al-Malaikah    Angels             88
Al-Shaitan     Satan              88
Al-Hayat       Life              145
Al-Maut        Death             145
Al-Shahr       Month              12
Al-Youm        Day               365
Al-Bahr        Sea                32
Al-Bur         Land               13

Simple Example:
     By adding the total number of the two words. e.g. "Sea" and "Land" is
32 +13=45.

     By simple calculation,it means:

Sea:    (32/45 * 100) % = 71.11 %          (portion of the world)

Land:  (13/45 * 100) % = 28.89 %           (portion of the world)

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